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類型/ 豪宅
風格/ 複合混搭
區域/ 北部
坪數/ 81 坪
空間成員/ 2人
空間格局/ 2房、2廳、1起居
主要建材/ 黑白根、鍍鈦玫瑰金、金屬鐵件、橡木染深、賽麗石、實木家具
We aim to design for our client a somewhat sophisticated and elegant living realm.
The visual impression of the space is presented with a dark-grey tone of marble floor and titanium plated bronze column that extends from the entrance hall to the living areas, creating layers of lifestyles to the space.
We treasure the natural lighting and allow in maximum daylight to enrich the brightness of interior. When the sunlight flows in through light curtain and reflect on the wooden surface of the wall, one can feel the essence of materials and experience the purest erception.
The host and the guest here are free to discover the ever-changing expressions of light and shadow in the space and can fully enjoy the ambience conveyed through the context of natural building materials and the grey color tone in the vicinity.